Our Approach
What We Do
Ultimate Holdings Corporation provides lease-to-own opportunities for experienced over-the-road truck drivers, allowing them to fulfill their dreams of owning their own trucking company. The driver must have a clean driving record, with no drug, or alcohol, issues.
The Ultimate Program allows the driver to join our program with no initial financial investment. Ultimate handles everything. We believe we are the only company in the USA who offers this unique opportunity to truck drivers.
Our Approach
The Ultimate Program for Freight Hauling Carriers provides all the services required by Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), so a driver can focus on their driving. Ultimate provides more than 30 services to their carriers, removing typical business overhead issues and time consuming challenges. All the carrier needs to do is drive safe, be on time for deliveries, and conduct themselves in a professional, positive manner. When a carrier has successfully fulfilled their obligations to Ultimate, he/she owns their semi-tractor.
Our Story
Our Story
Ultimate Holdings Corporation is the result of an idea that blossomed to be beneficial for many. Founded, developed, and perfected by William R. Rieser and his wife, Kathryn, this tried and proven program has been tested for several years. Drivers are excited about The Ultimate Program, which allows them to own their own business and earn more money than the national average for over-the-road truck drivers. The success of The Ultimate Program will continue to grow each year as Ultimate's carriers refer other experienced and qualified drivers to Ultimate.
The industry standard for driver turnover is 80%-90%. Because of all of the services provided to the carrier by Ultimate, we believe Ultimate's driver turnover will be less than 20%.
Founding Leadership
William R. Rieser, and his wife, Kathryn, are the founders and developers of The Ultimate Program for Freight Hauling Carriers. They are heavily involved in the day-to-day operations, ensuring continued success for the company, the carriers, and the shareholders. Their philosophy is to treat people the way they want to be treated. They know that in order for the company to be successful, the carrier needs to be successful, as well. The drivers are the spokes that turn the wheels, making it a win-win for everyone. No one does it better than Ultimate.
William R. Rieser
William R. Rieser is the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Ultimate Holdings Corporation. As the CEO, Bill is responsible for managing the company, formulating and executing long-term financial strategies, and interacting with clients, drivers, employees, and investors.
In addition, Bill is responsible for leading the company's business operations, executing strategy and ensuring operational excellence. He interviews each potential driver who wishes to join The Ultimate Program. He also deals directly with the manufacturers and dealers to further expand the company's fleet of semi-tractors and refrigerated trailers. Ultimate's long term goal is to be debt free, provide a positive return to the shareholders, and grow at a rate of 10% to 20%, or more, each year.
Kathryn J. Volin
Kathryn is the CFO and Secretary/Treasurer of Ultimate Holdings Corporation. As the CFO, Kathryn is responsible for the financial and corporate record keeping, along with reporting to the company's certified public accountants, Ultimate's corporate attorneys, and Ultimate's transfer agent. She is Ultimate's co-decision and policy-maker, setting the tone for the company's values, ethics, and culture.
In addition, Kathryn is involved with the company's corporate communications, investor relations, strategic planning and analysis, and marketing.
Quick Facts
Projected Carriers in the ultimate program 1st FULL year
Higher Commission than National Average
10% to 20%+
Projected Annual Revenue Growth
services provided to the carriers